We have a Call for Speakers currently active for our November Alpine Coaster event focusing on sessions around Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Fabric.. This event is our chance to mix things up a bit and introduce new sessions formats and themes. In past Alpine Coasters we’d had session formats around real-live experiences deploying Synapse Analytics.
For this Alpine Coaster, we are looking for sessions that are 20 minutes long. Now that could be a single speaker for the whole 20 minutes, or perhaps a new speaker can join an experienced speaker.
If you are a new speaker then this could be a great starting point, we’re very relaxed about speaker experience and of course we’re on-hand to help as well, just reach out to us 🙂
So if you have a 20 minute session in your back pocket or think that you can create a 20 minute session (can be slides, just a demo, combination of the 2!) then please consider submitting. We’re looking for sessions around Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Fabric.
Here is the Sessionize link to submit to.
Any questions please reach out to us.

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